Sunday, June 27, 2010

Track Club

Crazy Hair, Crazy Boy Ellie is signed up for track club this summer. She's not overly thrilled about track practices but gets pretty excited about winning ribbons at the meets. We've now been to 3 meets and we usually don't get home until 10:30 at night which sounds miserable- but all of us have a lot of fun watching Ellie and running around on the field. Jax and Jay even signed up to do a couple of races and I wish I'd had my camera to capture the joy on Jay's face.
Ellie's strong event is the 400 meter. She is one fast little girl!

Iraq Videos

These are a video tour of Jaylon's home for the last 11 months. Thankfully he is almost done and coming back to us!

Saturday, June 12, 2010


Perhaps I was suffering from weather induced depression. I was. I loaded my kids up on a Tuesday and drove to Idaho. As soon as I crossed the border into Idaho I felt my spirits lift and I started smiling. The moment I felt genuinely happy was the moment I realized I have been depressed. And even though I love my parents and siblings and children- it had nothing to do with family and everything to do with seeing an endless sky and the sun shining and the fields more dark clouds or suffocating trees to cage me in. I loaded my kids up and drove 9 hours by myself even though my mom was leaving the next day to take care of my sister and her new (gorgeous, creamy, chunky) Lovely Lyla. That's how much I needed to exit Washington. Can you sense the joy???

My "baby" brother Scott can boast the most pictures of himself. I think the same pattern is emerging in our family. I can't help myself. He is changing hourly and, well, I am absolutely enjoying every moment of his babyhood.

My dear Uncle Jon and Aunt Marilyn had us over for the day. We 4-wheeled and ate loads of yummy food and had the best time! Ellie was thrilled to drive herself.

Jay loved "going so fast my stomach hurt." I loved it too!

Jax Turns 6

We celebrated Jax's birthday with Mamie and Papa and Great-grandma and Great-grandpa and Jen and Keoni and Makenna. Low key but still so busy I didn't get enough pictures. I can't take credit for this awesome cake. Scott and Jaylon gave me all of the ideas to design it.

Jax had a great birthday. Tons of candy and a new scooter and snorkeling gear and iron man and even money from Great-Grandparents.

That's a Wrap

I wish I'd gotten pictures with Papa. We spent the first 6 days hanging out with Papa and Uncle Scottie. During the day we had lots of adventures with Auntie Jen and Keoni and Makenna. We had the perfect vacation. Which might explain why I extended my week into almost 3. I waited until Summer had truly arrived in Washington. Can you blame me?

Scott is busy but the kids cherished every moment they got to spend with him.

Ellie and Mamie had a girls night out and Ellie came home with a cute new haircut and "permanent" pink hair.
Our next adventure is getting ready for Jaylon to come home!