Thursday, April 8, 2010


This angelic looking child makes me crazy. Pounding my head on the steering wheel, pull my hair out crazy. He doesn't listen, he doesn't obey, he looks at me and does the opposite of what I say...usually with a twinkle in his eye and a big grin. He throws tantrums if his socks have the slightest wrinkle or if he "feels something" in/on any of his clothing he takes it off- no matter what/where we happen to be. He's had so many near death experiences that I've lost count (darting in front of cars, running away, climbing up, climbing out etc. etc.) He has also attempted to kill his baby brother on numerous occasions...but I like to think that in his own tender hearted way he is really just trying to toughen Izaac up for the real world. But above all- Jay is FUN. He is brimming with possibility and imagination. Today he insisted that he was Spider-man. So I took Spider-man and Izaac to the gym this morning. We walked through the doors of the daycare and as the kids noticed him they began to whisper and their eyes filled with wonder. And then they followed him around and asked themselves who was Spider-man? Jay was in character and wouldn't talk under his mask. 90 minutes later when I picked him up, they were still following him around and one little boy told me adamantly that Spider-man didn't want to leave yet. Jay turns the ordinary into extra-ordinary.


  1. I LOVE HIM!! Jay is A.D.O.R.A.B.L.E

  2. I love it. Every family needs at least one kiddo with extra spunk. Maybe you and I both have more than our share though. =)

  3. I hope I'm JUST like Jay when I grow up!

  4. Oh my gosh that is too funny;0- I love the spider man costume;)!!!! Sorry it is soo hard at that age!

  5. He is so cute. I wish I could do it all over again.Seriously.
