Lately I've been having a lot of those "someday I'll laugh about this" moments. You know- the ones that really ARE NOT funny right now. The ones that make you physically ill and age you a couple years in one day. Those kind. I seem to get those as soon as I start feeling o.k. about life...as soon as I start to feel in control...like being a single parent really isn't so bad. Like 4 kids isn't too much to handle. Like having my husband in an unstable, war torn, 3rd world country is a piece of cake...I mean, we have skype so I can't complain!! I guess with the warm sun I was starting to feel too happy so KARMA knocked me down a peg or two or three. Whatever. Someday I'll laugh about my baby holding his breath and going rigid and then passing out several times a week. Someday I'll laugh about my 5 month old t.v. getting broken by the children. Someday I'll laugh about walking downstairs in my towel to find a male stranger standing in my doorway (courtesy of Jay). And someday I'll laugh about getting out of the shower and finding my 3 year old gone and the front door unlocked. Someday. But not today. No. Today I'm going to ruin my diet and eat some Haagen Daz and watch a few hours of The Office (on the COMPUTER) and try to regain my perspective and my peace. And when those fixes don't work I'll go to bed and hope tomorrow is better.