Saturday, October 31, 2009
Happy Halloween
We took it easy today...we are really enjoying having Mamie here to help!! I am "letting down" and Jay asked Mamie if she could move here and the boys haven't been climbing into my bed with nightmares since she arrived. Her soothing presence is a balm to our souls.
Mamie stayed with Izaac while I took a beautiful brunette vampire, scary skeleton, and darling elephant trick-or-treating. We are trying to carry on bravely...but even with Mamie here, our first holiday without daddy felt a little flat.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Daily Highlights for Your Viewing Pleasure
Every time I watch this video I laugh at the happy ending...Jax rushing off to make sure his brother doesn't take his cookie.
Every few weeks we are all thrilled to get special pictures Daddy draws for all of us. The kids are always so excited that I decided to film it. Sorry for the bumpiness- I was filming one-handed while I opened up the pictures. You also get a glimpse of Ellie's 'tude. I'm sure it makes Jaylon feel back at home!
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Thankful for Parks
My darling kiddos have been driving me batty. Crazy. Pulling my hair out nuts. They have been fighting and fighting and fighting. It's like WW III in our house. I don't know what to do. I've pleaded, I've spanked, I've yelled, I've incentived, I've ignored, I've cried, I pray. About the only thing that saves my sanity is getting out and going anywhere. Usually a park. Seen through the lens of my camera, they once again become likable, adorable, lovable little human beings. What will we do when the rain comes???
Friday, October 16, 2009
This Week We:
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Scaredy Cat
As I write this post I am under siege. It's midnight and I should be asleep but I can't sleep because I am listening to little creatures scurrying around on my floor. That's right. Scurry. I can hear them rattling the gas switch, trying to get into my house. I can hear them chewing my bags of flour that I just bought for food storage. They have called all of their little friends in for a feast at my expense. And I am afraid. I am afraid of these little mice who are ambushing my house. Mice look cute in pictures like the one below. They are adorable main characters in cartoons. But in real life, when the house is dark and still and I am already a little spooked...they are scary.
Many times, countless moments, I have missed my husband and I've cried in lonliness and grief and frustration. But this takes the cake. I can barely kill spiders. I can't face a colony of mice. Help!!! What do I do??? It's going to be a long and sleepless night. Don't think I haven't already pictured those little mousies running up my stairs and up my bed and across my face....or into the baby's bed. Yuck. I thought I was done with pests when we left Oklahoma. At least the scorpions didn't make noise. The worst thing is that they are bold. When I first heard the mice I stomped downstairs and shouted and (literally) begged them to leave. They kept right on chewing and I retreated in fear and wondered if my neighbor would be mad if I called at midnight to borrow her cat. Ugh.

Friday, October 9, 2009
Happy Day
Dear Jaylon,
Today I went to Pike's Place Market with some friends. This is the first time I've gone without kids and it was very enjoyable! (Baby on back doesn't count). We had yummy clam chowder in bread bowls and browsed to our heart's content.
Every time I've gone to the market I've wanted to get flowers. Today I finally did. Every time I see them I have to smile. They smell as beautiful as they look!
Today I went to Pike's Place Market with some friends. This is the first time I've gone without kids and it was very enjoyable! (Baby on back doesn't count). We had yummy clam chowder in bread bowls and browsed to our heart's content.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
No Dumb Blondes Here
It was a lovely fall morning. We drove into one of the best kept secrets of the Puget Sound...a tiny town called Steilacoom, for their annual Apple Squeeze festival. As is common at festivals, parking was scarce, so when a space opened up on a rather steep hill, I decided to take it. If Jaylon had been there, he would have made me switch places with him since my weakness in parking is a well known fact between us. But since this is my year to go above and beyond my comfort level, I had to take the plunge. I tried to park with confidence and boldness. I thought I was a little too close to the car behind me and so, proud of myself for remembering the special trick Jaylon taught me, I used both feet to slam down on the gas and the brake at the same time, in order to maneuver away from the car behind me without rolling into it. Imagine my shock and surprise as I flew-not forward- but BACKWARDS, with full gas and force of gravity, into a sickening collision with the parked car behind me. That's right folks, this intelligent blond forgot she was still in reverse. Ahh, if I could have taken a picture of the shocked onlookers. My children screamed. I shook for a few minutes and tried not to swear. My legs hardly held me as I went to look at the damage. I fully expected this mistake to cost hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars. And this is when I learned that
is truly built like a rock. Not a scratch, not a ding, not a whisper. No bruises of any kind on this amazing, sturdy, fabulously shiny, new, expensive jeep. My car? That's a different story. Mine crumpled a bit. But it could have been so much worse. So very very very much worse. Thank you Jeep, for being strong enough to withstand my assault. You allowed us to go on and have a wonderfully care-free and giddy afternoon. 
And my dear, darling husband? What was his reaction? There are silver linings to this deployment. An episode that surely would have resulted in some tense moments...perhaps even harsh words...instead my teensy mistake is completely overshadowed by his love and longing for me. Ah ha- this will be the year we never ever ever fight. And my next car will be a Jeep.

Thursday, October 1, 2009
Laughing Baby
Dear Jaylon,
Make sure you turn on your volume so you can hear Izaac laugh. Most of the time the kids are nice to the baby...they only try to maim him once a day!
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