Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Christmas in Idaho

In Short:
We ate lots and lots and lots of food. The kids lived on sourdough toast with butter and chocolate drinks and sugar in all shapes and sizes. They also slept as little as possible. Can you say WIRED? Here is my proud creation. I selfishly wanted to make a gingerbread house ALL BY MYSELF. So I did. And I loved every minute of it!
The kids made a gingerbread train. Also very cool!

Here Comes Double Trouble...we loved spending time with our cousins!

We rode the Polar Express with Mamie and Papa and Aunt Amy and Uncles Matt, Scott, and Nick. What could be more fun?

Hot Springs with Papa and Mamie might have been the highlight of our entire trip. We had a blast!

And we played in the snow.

Izaac learned how to crawl...sort of.
We packed a lot into 3 weeks. I had lunch with friends...dinner with friends...a fantastic massage...shopping with Mom...fondue party...temple trip...Sherlock Holmes....Fantastic Mr. Fox...bowling...It was sad to leave. But we're getting back into the groove of our routine (hip hip horray for school!) and we're almost ready to countdown the days till Jaylon comes home for R&R. Between 60-70 days if all goes well.


  1. Glad to see you had a good Christmas! I hope things work out for Jaylon to come home sooner rather than later! I'll be praying for you guys!

  2. Love the pix of the kids in the snow and your gingerbread house came out really fun. We used our left over halloween candy too. Hope you are hanging in there with your hubby away. I know that must be as hard as it can be. Check out my blog when you get a chance. i found you on Jen's. mine is noelanijames.blogspot.com p.s. i am still catching up-so i am still on November. Nice to see you Jaime! Suzy James :0)

  3. Jami, great pics! We had so much fun hanging out with you all--now I miss you guys so much! I am so impressed with your gingerbread house! The last time I tried to make one I got so frustrated and gave up...

  4. Jami your kids are getting so big..everyone looks great! I hope you're all doing well..I miss you!

  5. I totally thought I had commented:( Well I will now;) I have to say that your Gingerbread house was AMAZING! Your kiddos look soo cute in their matchy Chrismtas pj's- soo cute, and you will have to tell me more about the Hot Springs?? I had a great time at your family's Fondue party- thanks for the invite!!! I'm really happy you had a great visit- you deserved it!! I am getting soo excited for the guys to come home;!!!
