We've had a t.v. stand for almost ten years but a few weeks ago the doors broke off. I decided that I didn't have time to screw the doors back on. That would be too much work. So instead I went to Walmart and bought a new t.v. stand. This is what I found when I opened the box:
I spent 4 1/2 hours getting through the first 6 steps on the first night. I nearly cried when I opened the booklet to discover that I had 18 steps to go.
Twelve hours, 1,000 screws (maybe a little less) 50 nails, buckets of sweat and blood later...
I have never built anything this complicated. I feel almost as proud of myself as I did after delivering Izaac without so much as an advil. Though both of these "accomplishments" were a direct result of my own stupidity. Live and learn, eh?
In less than a week:
Izaac will get to be hugged by his Daddy again!
In less than a week:
Jax and Jay will get to hold Daddy's hand.
In less than a week:
I get to look at him, stand next to him, hug him, smell him and rediscover life as a complete family. I can hardly wait. Pray for our soldier to travel safely and swiftly home.