Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Skamania Lodge

We were all thrilled to get a phone call last Wednesday telling us that we had gotten into an army retreat at the Skamania Lodge in Stevenson, Washington. 2 days later we packed our bags and were treated to a luxurious, all expense paid (babysitting, food, lodging) restful vacation.

We went with our dear friends and neighbors- Dina, Frankie and Mark.
The change in scenery was fabulous for all of beds to make, no food to cook, nothing to conversation...

The kids claimed beds as soon as we got into our room. Ellie informed me I could have the couch. Nice try, Ellie.

This is the view we woke up to the 1st morning.

Luckily we got plenty of exercise walking in this gigantic hotel...since we also ate way too much food!

The kids tried to give me a guilt trip about spending all of their time in daycare but it wasn't a normal daycare. They played and made crafts and watched movies and had plenty of fun. And, best of all, I had Seven child-free meals. No coaxing anyone to eat their vegetables or getting up a hundred times...just sitting and eating and conversing with old and new friends. Did I say this was a fabulous weekend??

The kids loved the all-you-can-drink cocoa in the lobby.

I spent a quiet hour watching the moon rise. What can I say? Sometimes the army does something right...and thank you tax-payers. It was a beautiful weekend for this little family.


  1. such a nice vacation skinny girl! i'm glad everything was so nice for you! i like ellie's outfit too.

  2. Wow~that is so aweseome! You deserve it! (And you look great in that picture by yourself! So pretty!)
